Sunday, March 13, 2011

Chapter 13: Outdoor Adventures

This chapter talked about the benefits to taking an outdoor camping trip. The idea that whenever you have an outdoor experience, you are always going to learn something new. There are three things that Wormeli points out that people experience when they going on camping trips. They are, focusing on our physical, emotional, and intellectual selves, personal autonomy, and gender equity. Another thing that he mentioned was that boys learn how to become nurturers. The rest of the chapter focuses on certain ways in which you can incorporate learning and lesson into a camping trip with your classroom. The ideas for lessons ranged in all subjects. The ones that particularly stood out to me were the freedom trail hikes, and the civil war reenactment. These are two things that I could do with my students on a weekend camping trip. However, the idea of weekend camping trip with your students is somewhat daunting to think about. Maybe with time and experience as a teacher, I will become more accepting of this idea.

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